Ideas for a final year project.

Hi All

I am doing my final year in a robotics and mechatronics degree next year, and as part of the degree we need to do a final project/thesis. I really want to do do something that uses the arduino and was wondering if anyone had any rough ideas of something i could do!

It can really be anything that involves an arduino. It doesn't need to be categorized as a "robotic" project, anything with a electric/ mechanic mix is fine.

I am really into the idea of interactive art, so maybe some ideas on that line. But really any ideas are welcome. just want to get as many ideas as possible!

Thanks in advance! :slight_smile:

A mechanical (binary?) clock?

Autonomous Graffiti Sprayer: Connect it to the top of a wall and let it roam. If you don't want to get into trouble because of paint, use for the school version chalk-based paint that will wash away with the next rain instead of spray cans.


servo driven robot arm, that shows the time, by moving bricks with numbers printed on

servo driven robot arm, that shows the time, by moving bricks with numbers printed on

I like this idea. I think I'm going to steal it, for another project I'm working on.

Tons of realized ideas are posted on the exhibitions board. Go read 200+ of them and you'll get some feeling about what CAN be done and ask the authors how long it took for them to finish.

Hate to be the devil's advocate, ask your professors if they're ok with a project with arduino. Some may not like the idea that you can simply load a library to control servos or else. Made it too easy to do stuff. Don't learn as much etc.

i think a gun that fires cancer would be pretty cool

i think a gun that fires cancer would be pretty cool

Even if it was aimed at you?

Hate to be the devil's advocate, ask your professors if they're ok with a project with arduino.

I can't see why there should be an issue, but you are right that the OP should ask. If library usage isn't allowed, an Arduino (the hardware) could still be used, just as an AVR carrier board. You would likely have to use a regular AVR dev tool-chain, though, to satisfy any such requirements of not using external "third-party libraries" (beyond the core libraries in the AVR tool-chain).

Some may not like the idea that you can simply load a library to control servos or else. Made it too easy to do stuff. Don't learn as much etc.

I can understand and sympathize with this attitude in academia, but at the same time I wonder what, if any, issues in the future it causes when the students are employed? In the "real world", unless the company you work for is doing some extremely custom design work, or developing a product which needs an interface library, you are likely going to be required by the employer, or by your client/budget/timeline to use an off the shelf library solution. In fact, from a business perspective, you would be remiss in not checking out extant solutions to the problem you are trying to solve first, before exploring a custom in-house developed solution. Only if those solutions don't exist or don't meet your requirements (time/licensing terms/cost/etc), should you explore an in-house solution which might need more expertise to develop.

Unfortunately, we see this hubristic "not invented here" attitude in more than a few manufacturing/development industries. Imagine if every mechanic insisted on fabricating their own nuts and bolts, or if every carpenter formulated their own glue? At one time, this was case, but over time standardization and specialization in the manufacturing process occurred to largely eliminate this. We are seeing the same occurring with computers and software systems, as well as embedded devices. In a way, the Arduino is (or should be considered) an example of this winnowing process.

While I agree that from an educational standpoint, an embedded-design student should know and understand how to implement say, a servo driver library, I also think it may be a disservice to the student to not allow the use of third-party libraries when appropriate. The education should be on when and where to use the libraries, and to understand how they work (and how they are developed) at the lower-level, but they shouldn't be considered verboten to use.


It should not be an issue to use a library. Building on other people's work is what people do. It is not trivial to use a library. You must understand how it works.