I don't know about the rest of the same-old people, but I got tired of posting the same-old ethernet stuff over and over, so I added the code to the playground (wiki).
Arduino Playground - WebClient
Arduino Playground - WebServerST
Arduino Playground - FTP
If my experience is any indication of the effectiveness, the ethernet questions posted in the networking section has dropped way off. Maybe that is just coincidence?

That's what I was talking about. As mentioned, the problem with the Playground is, it's not well-
organized for finding things. Eg, if I printed the Interfacing with Hardware main page, it would
take 54 sheets of paper. I usually use the Find menu on my browser to find anything on that
page. It would take me some time just to locate your 3 pages referenced here.

Also, most of the links on Playground are links to other websites and specific projects. Maybe all
that would be needed is to reorganize the Playground idea to include a section on Forum
troubleshooting posts.