Connecting an Ethernet PHY to Arduino Due

Small web server example using Taijiuino.

As some of the followers of this thread know, I have been working porting the EMAC library and example from AS6 ASF SAM3X-EK to the Arduino Due environment. Even though I tried to put the Due in action, it is very hard under its actual design. Thus, I migrated to Taijiunio and AS-Sam3x (third parties Due based boards). So far, we have a very raw workable library but also we have been very busy to finish it. We have some plan to continue next month (Paul, Thibaut and me).
In the meantime of our EMAC library development and taking advantage that the raw EMAC library is working decently, I have decided to explore, what is, our next frontier: to use the potential EMAC cababilities of Arduino Due (now available in the Taijiuino board) an convert it in a small web server. Thus, I made a raw porting of the AS6 ASF lwIP Atmel example. This example features a basic HTTP web server using lwIP TCP/IP stack and the EMAC driver of the Taijiuino in mode standalone (without OS).

Plugging directly the Ethernet cable into the Taijiuino EMAC kit to my laptop and configuring the network to local mode setting up a 'point-to-point' network, now I can launch my Google Chrome web browser and typing the IP address assigned automatically to the Taijiuno (DHCP mode) and see an index.html page that comes with the example (converted into a static C struct, with HEX codes, with the help of a small Perl script).

Here attached a couple of pictures of the Taijiuino in action and the serial output. I have planned (of course) to polish and finish this raw code of the web server (it is messy and big now) into the Arduino IDE environment and create some input/output functions like turn on/off digital outputs using buttons in the web page, or change analog signals using a painted potentiometer or show status of some parameters in the board (temperature, voltage, etc.) but...that will take some weeks. Regards!