Arduino Network causing severe battery drain on WiFi connected devices.

I'm using (but that's OK obviously). DHCP is off (I prefer static IPs). There's no way to specify independent IP ranges for the LAN and WLAN in the settings.

However, this isn't a WLAN / LAN / IP / Subnet type issue - it's an ARP Broadcast issue. It wouldn't matter what IP or subnet I was using because the broadcasts are sent to FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF, so they hit every device on the same network segment. As I only have one router the entire LAN/WLAN is the same segment. The only thing my router is blocking broadcasts from/to is the WAN.

The only way to prevent broadcasts spreading too far is to add a segment to the network by adding another router as routers don't normally allow broadcasts to pass through. I could, for example, add another WiFi Access Point router and put all my mobile devices on that. But again that's additional hardware that I'd like to avoid.