Using more shields on a Arduino Uno???

If one was to use more shields on a Arduino Uno, how is one to approach it?. I have a LCD shield and a RFID shield and would like to put in some more output pins for sensors like piezo buzzer as well as some leds. I would like to stack the LCD shield on top of the RFID shield which is then stacked on top of the Arduino Uno and still allowing me some output and input pins for other sensors. How will I accomplish this? Do I use stacking headers or do I have to use a MUX shield. Please guide. Much appreciated.

I would have thought the LCD shield would have to be on top to be able to read the output. I guess another consideration is what pins are being used by each shield and making sure that they are distinct. The rest depends on you and what you want to achieve. If you can stack them then it is cheaper than buying a mux shield.

Yes, the LCD shield is going to be stacked on top of the RFID shield. I believe it is going to use different pins. What I am trying to achieve is that I would like to have the RFID shield pass its output message to the LCD screen on the LCD shield. So when a tag is read, the LCD will show its corresponding message. I have seen tutorials where this was achieved, but the components were not shields and the connections will made with the components being on a breadboard.

The RFID data has to go to the Arduino, which then sends it to the LCD.
Make sure the pins between the devices do not conflict.
The rest then comes down to software. can I then put in more sensors such as led or a piezo buzzer?

You need something like this to provide access to the headers if the LCD shield on top does have headers that you can connect to.