Android Bluetooth joystick

In the Androind BT commander I observed some information under Data1 and Data2 (not under Data3)



  • Data1 cycles from -3000 to 0 with 111 increment (see GetdataInt1)
  • Data2 cycles from 50 to -50 with -0.8 increment (see GetdataFloat2)
  • Data3 shows "xxxx"

Arduino to Android communication is OK
Android to Arduino communication is not wired correctly

When I push any buttons they only got activated (green) a very short time

Makes sense, Arduino will always feed back its own real buttons position and overwrite the Android display

Assuming you have the "Master/Slave" model:

  • make sure the switch is in DAT mode
  • place the TX jumper on pin 4 and the RX on Pin 5
  • change "SoftwareSerial mySerial(2,3);" to "SoftwareSerial mySerial(4,5);"

Should work :wink: