BlueCopter - Arduino Quadcopter

hi again.
i have some question i fixed my receiver and now i have some question .
how we can change pid values? is it compatible with multiwii gui ?

Hmm, if you're talking about my code then no.. To change the PID values you'll have to go to the Config.h file and change them there... You'll find these lines inside the file:

#define ROLL_PID_KP  0.250
#define ROLL_PID_KI  0.950
#define ROLL_PID_KD  0.011
#define ROLL_PID_MIN  -50.0
#define ROLL_PID_MAX  50.0

#define PITCH_PID_KP  0.250
#define PITCH_PID_KI  0.950
#define PITCH_PID_KD  0.011
#define PITCH_PID_MIN  -50.0
#define PITCH_PID_MAX  50.0

#define YAW_PID_KP  0.680
#define YAW_PID_KI  0.500
#define YAW_PID_KD  0.0001
#define YAW_PID_MIN  -50.0
#define YAW_PID_MAX  50.0

#define ANGLEX_KP 5.0
#define ANGLEX_KI 0.02
#define ANGLEX_KD -0.015
#define ANGLEX_MIN -100.0
#define ANGLEX_MAX 100.0

#define ANGLEY_KP 5.0
#define ANGLEY_KI 0.02
#define ANGLEY_KD -0.015
#define ANGLEY_MIN -100.0
#define ANGLEY_MAX 100.0

The first three sections is for the rate mode PID.. And the last two are for the angle mode PID..