How to re-init bootloader on Nano?

I think the bootloader is broken on my new Nano-clone. Can someone tell me how to re-install a bootloader so I can upload a sketch to my Nano?

You need an AVR ISP, an In System Programmer.

Can be a stanalone tool (i.e. a dedicated circuit) such as

or an Arduino with a sketch that can act as a programmer, I think Nick Gammon has the best writeup:

Do you know if this will work if I connect a working UNO R3 to the Nano v3.0 that I want to reinstall with the bootloader? Should this wind up with me being able to upload sketches to the Nano once with Arduino 1.5.3 once again?

Following Nick's programming guide, yes.
Have not used 1.5.3, if it operates with same speeds & boards as 1.0.5, you should be okay.