How to Arduino Yun support Creative Live! VISTA VF0470 webcam?

Hi Kaul,

If you would like to add time stamp to your picture once you saving it, maybe this link able to help you :
GitHub - amicojeko/YouCantTouchThis: You can't touch this!

/* A simple function to generate unique timestamp based filenames */

String uniqueFileName(String ext){
 String filename = "";
 p.runShellCommand("date +%s");

while (p.available()>0) {
   char c =;
   filename += c;

 filename += "." + ext;

return filename;


Have time stamp at file name is nice idea. However you do not need ATmega32u4 help!

fswebcam test.png
fswebcam `date +"%G%m%d%H%M%S"`.png

It create 20140515123538.png and has 2014/05/15 12:35:38 as time stamp.