Updating the mighty-1284p core

These two IDE standard libraries that oric-dan documented on his site are pretty popular.

Servo library = needs fixing ... file "Servo.h" requires Fix #1 listed above
SD library = needs fixing ... both "S2dCard.h" and "Sd2PinMap.h" require Fix #1 listed above,
plus the latter file requires more serious attention.

While it's probably beyond the scope of this refreshing effort as first defined, to also look at the IDE's standard libraries, it would certainly be useful for many. I can't believe I must have never tried a servo on my bobriuno board, and I have a Adafruit RTC/SD data logging shield that I use at times but must not have tried it out on the 1284P. I seriously own too many arduino board types. I must have a couple of dozens between all the nano, pro-mini, megas, as well as pre-Uno based standard boards, you know the ones with the funny names. :wink: