Interface 3g dongle with Arduino Uno3


I want to interface 3g dongle with Arduino Uno board. with this I am hoping to make my board internet enabled.

I am aware that there are GSM shields /modules available to do it. But I am more interested in 3g dongle solution as it is lot cheaper and more compact(plug and play )

Do let me know if it is possible at all in the first place and how.


Do let me know if it is possible at all in the first place and how.

The dongle is a slave. The Arduino is a slave. Without a master (USB Host) around, the slaves sit around and drink beer all day.

If you know how to write a USB driver, by all means buy a USB Host shield and have at it. I suspect, though, that if you knew how to write a driver that you'd also know that one was needed, so I'm guessing that you don't. Pay for someone else's knowledge and hard work. Buy a ready-to-use shield.