Arduino Lightsaber

process of elimination.

#define WT588D_RST 7 //Module pin "REST" or pin # 1
#define WT588D_CS 6 //Module pin "P02" or pin # 11
#define WT588D_SCL 9 //Module pin "P03" or pin # 10
#define WT588D_SDA 8 //Module pin "P01" or pin # 9
#define WT588D_BUSY 10 //Module pin "LED/BUSY" or pin # 15

WT588D_Send_Command(0x00) .... etc.. MUST be using the Data Pin.

It is the ONLY pin undefined. it the H in the F2H must mean "Hex." ... 0xF2

i can't find a single tute that goes over the "Send_Command" function..

wait,.. i's not is it?

there is missing code.

#define WT588D_Send_Command 13 //Data connection tween the cpu and audio mod