*SOLVED* Only every 2nd sms gets send (SM5100B)

#include "HardwareSerial.h"
#include "string.h"
#include "Arduino.h"

#define numberOfPumps 1 // Number of pumps connected - Always start from pump 1 and increment.
#define cellphoneNumber	"004560649717" // The phone to send sms to.

#define debugFlag 0 // This enables debug sms and serial data

#define relayPinStart 39 // Pin number of the digital pin right before first relay pin.
String inputString = "";         // a string to hold incoming data
boolean stringComplete = false;  // whether the string is complete
boolean moduleReady = false; // Is GSM module ready?
volatile unsigned int globalCounter = 0; // Global time counter.
volatile unsigned int nextPhase = 1; // Where in the startstop process are we.

// Function for sending SMS.
void sendSMS(char * phone, char * msg) {
//	Serial1.println("AT+CMGF=1");  // This line is needed if GSM module is not configured to use text instead of PDU (can be saved to non volatile memory with AT&W command)
//	delay(200);
	Serial1.write(34);   // ASCII equivalent of "
	Serial1.print(phone); // Use international format: 0045xxxxxxxx with ""
	Serial1.write(34);   // ASCII equivalent of "
	#if debugFlag == 1
	Serial.write((byte)34);   // ASCII equivalent of "
	Serial.print(phone); // Use international format: 0045xxxxxxxx with ""
	Serial.write((byte)34);   // ASCII equivalent of "

	Serial.write((byte)34);   // ASCII equivalent of "
	Serial.print(phone); // Use international format: 0045xxxxxxxx with ""
	Serial.write((byte)34);   // ASCII equivalent of "
	delay(250); // Give the module some thinking time
	Serial1.print(msg); // The sms message in ""
	Serial1.write((byte)26); // ASCII equivalent of Ctrl-Z, tell the GSM module we finished the message

// Initializing.
void setup() {
	//Initialize serial ports for communication.
	Serial.println("Hello. Starting up microprocessor.");
	Serial.println("Starting SM5100B Communication!");

	noInterrupts(); // Disallow interrupts

	//Initialize interrupt for 1ms counter (timer 0 @ 1kHz)
	TCCR0A = 0;// Set entire TCCR0A register to 0
	TCCR0B = 0;// Same for TCCR0B
	TCNT0  = 0;// Start counter value to 0
	// set compare match register for 1kHz increments
	OCR0A = 250;// = (16*10^6) / (1000*64) - 1 (must be <256) = 250,004
	// turn on CTC mode
	TCCR0A |= (1 << WGM01);
	// Set CS01 and CS00 bits for 64 prescaler
	TCCR0B |= (1 << CS01) | (1 << CS00);   
	// enable timer compare interrupt
	//	TIMSK0 |= (1 << OCIE0A);
	interrupts(); // Allow interrupts

	pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(40, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(41, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(42, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(43, OUTPUT);
	pinMode(44, OUTPUT);

// Dont do anything before GSM module is ready routine + Printing GSM module output to RS232 serial.
void GSMcheck() {
	if ((stringComplete)) {
		if (inputString == "+SIND: 1") {
			Serial.println("SIM Found");

		if (inputString == "+SIND: 11") {
			Serial.println("Network found");

		if (inputString == "+SIND: 4") {
			Serial.println("AT module fully ready");
			moduleReady = true;
		#if debugFlag == 1
			sendSMS(cellphoneNumber, "AT module ready. Starting start/stop test.");
			Serial.println("Starting timer...");
			TIMSK0 |= (1 << OCIE0A); // Enable timer compare interrupt
		// Clear the string:
		inputString = "";
		stringComplete = false;

// LED blinking when GSM is ready and the timer/counter is running.
void TickTock() {
	if (((globalCounter%2000) < 1000)  && (moduleReady == true)) {
		digitalWrite(13, 1);
	} else {
		digitalWrite(13, 0);

// Call function to start/stop X pumps according to correct timing.
void StartStopPumps(int pumpCount) {
	static uint32_t startStopCount = 1; // Start stop counter.
	int analogBuffer;

	if ((nextPhase == 1) && (moduleReady == true)) {
		for (int x = 1; x <= pumpCount; x++) {
			digitalWrite(relayPinStart+x, HIGH); // Start relay for pump.
			Serial.print("Pump #"); // Info
			Serial.println(": ON"); // end of info
		nextPhase = 10; // Change so we dont loop this.

	if ((nextPhase == 2) && (moduleReady == true)) {
		for (int x = 1; x <= pumpCount; x++) {
			Serial.println("Measuring start current"); // Info
			// Mål ADC --> Over X = OK	Under X = FEJL
			analogBuffer = analogRead(x-1);
			if (analogBuffer < 120) {
				char buffer[50];
				sprintf(buffer, "Error on pump %i at run %i - No start current detected", x, startStopCount);
				sendSMS(cellphoneNumber, buffer);
		nextPhase = 20; // Change so we dont loop this.

	if ((nextPhase == 3) && (moduleReady == true)) {
		for (int x = 1; x <= pumpCount; x++) {
			Serial.println("Measuring running current."); // Info 
			// Mål ADC --> Over X = FEJL	Under X = OK.
			analogBuffer = analogRead(x-1);
			if (analogBuffer > 120) {
				char buffer[50];
				sprintf(buffer, "Error on pump %i at run %i - Running current detected", x, startStopCount);
				sendSMS(cellphoneNumber, buffer);
		nextPhase = 30; // Change so we dont loop this.

	if ((nextPhase == 4) && (moduleReady == true)) {
		for (int x = 1; x <= pumpCount; x++) {
			digitalWrite(relayPinStart+x, LOW); // Stop relay for pump. 
			Serial.print("Pump #"); // Info
			Serial.println(": OFF"); // end of info
		Serial.print("This was run nr: "); // Info.
		Serial.println(startStopCount); // Info.
		nextPhase = 40; // Change so we dont loop this.

void loop() {


// This gets called when there is data on RS232 from PC.
void serialEvent() 
	static char incoming_char = 0;      // Will hold the incoming character from the Serial Port.
	if(Serial.available() >0)
		incoming_char=(char)Serial.read();  // Get the character coming from the terminal
		Serial1.print(incoming_char);    // Send the character to the cellular module.

// This gets called when there is data on the UART from the GSM module.
void serialEvent1() 
  while (Serial1.available()) {
    char inChar = (char)Serial1.read(); // Get the new byte.
    inputString += inChar; // Add it to the inputString.
	if (inputString.length()>1 && inputString[inputString.length()-2]=='\r' && inputString[inputString.length()-1]=='\n') { // If the 2nd last char is \r and last is \n then string is done.
	  inputString =	inputString.substring(0,inputString.length()-2); // Remove the last two chars from the string (GSM module uses CR+NL(\r & \n) and it fucks everything up ^_^)
      stringComplete = true; // Set string complete flag so data can be parsed

// Interrupt routine for timer0 compare.
	if (globalCounter == 50) { nextPhase = 2; } // Correct value = 50.
	if (globalCounter == 700) { nextPhase = 3; } // Correct value = 700.
	if (globalCounter == 4200) { nextPhase = 4; } // Correct value = 4200.
	if (globalCounter == 45000) { nextPhase = 1; globalCounter = 0; } // Correct value = 45000.

This is the whole code.
I am unsure of how to check if there is a message in progress?