Which DAC should I use?

I know this an old thread, but I was wondering if someone could clear this up a bit for me. I understand the importance of Resolution and Accuracy. However, I am having an issue with the design process. I am wanting to design a reasonably simple 1V/octave MIDI to AC converter.

My Design Spec:

  • be able to produce a good 61 key/ 5 octaves scale
  • a gate
  • possibly a pitch bend if it is feasible.

As mentioned, I am considering it from a designers point of view, before any components have been purchased. So how would I achieve this?

From my very basic understanding:

In a 1v/octave design, 1 step or semitone is 1/12 = 83.33mV. Therefore, if I require 5 octaves then a reference voltage of 5.0813V is required?

how is the gate and pitch considered into this ?