Помогите с настройкой LuCI ? (Help with LuCI configuration)

Подключаю 3G модем (ZTE MF823) с RNDIS к Arduino Yun (OpenWRT Attitude Adjustment 1 + LuCI)
загрузил kmod-usb-net-rndis. настроил соединение на usb0 с static IP - пакеты идут - модем законекчен к 3G. но интернет не раздается ни через wan ни через lan
так же не удается зайти на вебморду модема (

пробовал делать brige между интерфейсами например usb0 и lan и отключить eth1
тогда wifi работает, net раздается но невозможно зайти не вебморду arduino и LuCI.

в случае моста между usb0 и lan eth1 все тоже самое
помогает только жесткий ресет OpenWRT

Как правильно настроить раздачу ? eht1 и lan внутренние подключения. usb0 - вроде внешнее - но нужно иметь возможность заходить на веб морду модема из внутренней сети.

К сожалению я новичек в этом - желательно показать пальцем ) спасибо !

Sorry, I can't read your post. What is your question in English ?

From Google translate:

Connect a 3G modem (ZTE MF823) with RNDIS to Arduino Yun (OpenWRT Attitude Adjustment 1 + LuCI)
uploaded kmod-usb-net-rndis. configure the connection to usb0 with static IP - packets go - zakonekchen modem to 3G. but the Internet does not sound either through wan or lan through
just can not go on vebmordu modem (

tried to do brige between interfaces such as usb0 and lan and disable eth1
then the wifi works, net hear but you can not not go vebmordu arduino and LuCI.

in the case of a bridge between usb0 and lan eth1 all the same
helps only a hard reset OpenWRT

How to configure the distribution? eht1 and internal lan connection. usb0 - like external - but you need to be able to go on the web face modem from the internal network.

Unfortunately I'm new to this - it is desirable to point the finger) Thanks!

Sounds like it's an issue configuring a USB 3G modem to bridge networking. Not my area of expertise, but maybe the translation will help someone who is better at configuring OpenWRT networking.

From Google translate:

Sounds like it's an issue configuring a USB 3G modem to bridge networking. Not my area of expertise, but maybe the translation will help someone who is better at configuring OpenWRT networking.

@ShapeShifter it looks like a network bridge issue to me also.

@Looking4 This link might help. It has different ways to bridge and link - hardware and software

OpenWrt network Recipes

Let us know.

@ShapeShifter Thanks for translate )))

@jessemonroy650 Thanks for link but my question about LuCI. it easy way for me to use grafical interface.

But i ask this question on openWrt forum

Thanks !

@ShapeShifter Thanks for translate )))

@jessemonroy650 Thanks for link but my question about LuCI. it easy way for me to use grafical interface.

But i ask this question on openWrt forum

Thanks !

the web panel is the LuCI web interface.

  • Make sure you are on the same network (subnet) as the Yun
  • Point web browser to http://arduino.local
  • Log in
  • [Advanced Configurations]
  • At the top click "advanced configuration panel (luci)"

Let us know if this works.