how to connect two pieces of RFID with arduino

hi all how are you, hope smuanya fine.
I want to ask I want to use two RFID with arduino uno . rfid first when detected will then be led on, and will be active after the second rfid rfid one use. if the second RFID scans then led a low , but will be high if rfid Mining, scanned first then two new RFID function .
who can , please help me to activate both based RFID rfid first.

this program

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
SoftwareSerial RFID(2, 3); // RX and TX
int data1 = 0;
int ok = -1;
int yes = 13;
int no = 12;
int palang;

// use first sketch in Arduino Tutorials – Chapter 15 – RFID | to get your tag numbers
int tag1[16] = {2,49,53,48,48,55,52,51,50,54,67,51,70,13,10,3};
int tag2[16] = {2,49,53,48,48,55,52,55,67,68,67,67,49,13,10,3};
int newtag[16] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; // used for read comparisons

void setup()
RFID.begin(9600); // start serial to RFID reader
Serial.begin(9600); // start serial to PC
pinMode(yes, OUTPUT); // for status LEDs
pinMode(no, OUTPUT);

boolean comparetag(int aa[16], int bb[16])
boolean ff = false;
int fg = 0;
for (int cc = 0 ; cc < 16 ; cc++)
if (aa[cc] == bb[cc])
if (fg == 16)
ff = true;
return ff;

void checkmytags() // compares each tag against the tag just read
ok = 0; // this variable helps decision-making,
// if it is 1 we have a match, zero is a read but no match,
// -1 is no read attempt made
if (comparetag(newtag, tag1) == true)
if (comparetag(newtag, tag2) == true)

void readTags()
ok = -1;

if (RFID.available() > 0)
// read tag numbers
delay(100); // needed to allow time for the data to come in from the serial buffer.

for (int z = 0 ; z < 16 ; z++) // read the rest of the tag
data1 =;
newtag[z] = data1;
RFID.flush(); // stops multiple reads

// do the tags match up?

// now do something based on tag type
if (ok > 0) // if we had a match
digitalWrite(yes, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yes, LOW);
ok = -1;
else if (ok == 0) // if we didn't have a match
digitalWrite(no, HIGH);
digitalWrite(no, LOW);

ok = -1;
void readTags1()
ok = -1;

if (Serial.available() > 0)
// read tag numbers
delay(100); // needed to allow time for the data to come in from the serial buffer.

for (int z = 0 ; z < 16 ; z++) // read the rest of the tag
data1 =;
newtag[z] = data1;
Serial.flush(); // stops multiple reads

// do the tags match up?

// now do something based on tag type
if (ok > 0) // if we had a match
digitalWrite(yes, HIGH);
digitalWrite(yes, LOW);
ok = -1;
else if (ok == 0) // if we didn't have a match
digitalWrite(no, HIGH);
digitalWrite(no, LOW);

ok = -1;

void loop()

if (palang==1)
return readTags();
