Why is my gps serial link so slow?

First off /dev I just wanted to say thank you.

Through your guidance I set about understanding non-blocking code and I managed to successfully re-write the MPU6050 example to avoid using interupts and instead use the digital reading of pin 3 to read the fifo buffer.

I'm really pleased with myself that I managed it and that I'm now starting to understand how to code properly instead of just copy and pasting things. I'm sure my code is horrific to someone as good as yourself, but I'm proud of it :slight_smile:

Can't post it of course due to the forums silly 9000 charcter limit*

And I didn't realise that you'd included the distance to calculation in neogps. In that case I will switch my code when the documentation appears (I'm still way off being able to do it without haha).

Is there something else?

I do like the ease and cleanliness in which I can implement tinygps++ just with a simple "include" whereas yours requires manual copying of files into the same folder as the sketch. But I believe there's reasons for it, so I'll live with it :slight_smile: