Please help me decode 433Mhz weather sensor WH5029

If someone wants to help, feel free to "crack" CRC

Sync? 24B ID 8b Batt 1b; ??? Two complement temp Temp 8b Hum 8b 12b rain 8b wind speed 4b wind direction CRC

101010101010010110011000 10101000 1000 0000 11010111 00110010 000000000000 00000000 0000 01011010 000000 21,5 50 low
101010101010010110011000 00100101 1000 0000 11010110 00110010 000000000000 00000000 0000 11010110 000000 21,5 50 low
101010101010010110011000 00100101 0000 0000 11010111 00110010 000000000000 00000000 0000 01010111 000000 21,5 50 OK

101010101010010110011000 10101000 1000 0000 11011000 00110010 000000000000 00000000 0000 01010101 000000 21,6 50 low
101010101010010110011000 00010010 1000 0000 11011000 00110010 000000000000 00000000 0000 11101111 000000 21,6 50 low
101010101010010110011000 10101000 1000 0000 11011001 00110001 000000000000 00000000 0000 00000111 000000 21,7 49 low

101010101010010110011000 11100000 0000 1111 11101100 01001011 000000000000 00000000 0000 01111111 000000 -2 75 OK
101010101010010110011000 00111010 1000 0000 11011010 00110011 000000000000 00000000 1001 11111101 000000 směr vetru jedna pozice vlevo na jih, tj 9 a to sedi 1001

101010101010010110011000 00111010 1000 0000 11011010 00110010 000000000000 00000000 1111 11001010 000000 téměř server vlevo, mělo by byt 15 a to sedi

101010101010010110011000 00010101 1000 0000 11011010 00110101 000000000000 00000001 1110 01100011 000000 1km/h

101010101010010110011000 00010101 1000 0000 11011011 00110101 000000000000 00001110 1011 10010111 000000 14km/h

On the screenshot from calc are yellow cells a and czech commentary, this is not needed to crack CRC, this is just what I'm looking for and what was measured on inner station and whether it was OK.

After batt bit are 3 unused bites, I mean, that 2 bites from them represent secret function - channels (ch1 - ch3), LCD of inner station has symbols for this and maybe the last one free bit activates this function.