a nice 16 bit DAC project

First post on first project, but not too new to Arduino and thought I would share.

I created a nice 16bit DAC project using:
5 volt Pro Mini
Analog Devices 16 bit 2 channel SPI DAC AD5663ARMZ
four - Micrel Inc.s MIC94050YM4 P-channel MOSFets
four - 0.1uf capacitors.

I used ExpressPCB for a quick board layout and quick turn around.

Attached is the PCB layout (2 layer - red top, green bottom)

and here is a the code:

#include <SPI.h>

#define SS 10; //chip select pin
#define MOSI 11; //master out slave in pin
#define MISO 12; //master in slave out pin
#define CLK 13; //clock pin

unsigned int data;
byte DACA = B00011000; //send to set channel A on DAC
byte DACB = B00011001; //send to set channel B on DAC
byte bothDAC = B00011111; //send to set both channels on DAC

word bothPower = 39000; //will have to adjust to change output

word fullOff = 0xffff; //turns selected channel(s) of DAC off
word fullOn = 0x0000; //turns selected channel(s) of DAC to full power
word halfPower = 0x2ee0; //turns selected channel(s) of DAC to half power

const int slaveSelectPin = 10;

void setup()
//Serial.begin(115200); // Serial0 @ 115200 (115200) Baud
pinMode(slaveSelectPin,OUTPUT); //must include for spi
SPI.begin(); //initialize spi communications
SPI.setDataMode(SPI_MODE1); //set spi communications to mode 1 standards
SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV2); //set spi clock to 4MHz (16MHz system clock, 2 clocks per cycle, divided by 2)
SPI.setBitOrder(MSBFIRST); //set to most sig bit first
digitalWrite(10, HIGH); //set chip select pin high as SS on chip is active low

delay(200); //wait 200ms
digitalWrite(10,LOW); //set SS low to begin communications
SPI.transfer(DACA); //writes to DAC to set both channels
data= highByte(bothPower); //gets the first 8 bits of 16 bit value
SPI.transfer(data); //writes first 8 bits of 16 bit value from above
data= lowByte(bothPower); //gets the second 8 bits of 16 bit value
SPI.transfer(data); //writes the second 8 bits of 16 bit value from above
digitalWrite(10, HIGH); //set SS high to end communications

digitalWrite(10,LOW); //set SS low to begin communications
SPI.transfer(DACB); //writes to DAC to set both channels
data= highByte(bothPower); //gets the first 8 bits of 16 bit value
SPI.transfer(data); //writes first 8 bits of 16 bit value from above
data= lowByte(halfPower); //gets the second 8 bits of 16 bit value
SPI.transfer(data); //writes the second 8 bits of 16 bit value from above
digitalWrite(10, HIGH); //set SS high to end communications

void loop()
//nothing in loop

The nice thing is the MOSFet can handle 1.2-1.8 Amps. I know the circuit design is not complete and the code is quite simple, but it can easily be expanded on.

forgot to add I am using these male headers to raise the Pro Mini off of the PCB.