WS2812B Led Matrix with Glediator binary throw Bluetooth

Currently i'm making Daft Punk helmet & recently I added some led strips/matrix and neopixel rings to it. Creating animations programmicaly is very tedius and time consuming, aftersome research I've found Glediator/Jynx! software that helps enormously. Thouse apps are able to generate some type of encoded bynary files, also they provide sketches for Arduino, so it can execute the data providen from usb serial com.
My goal is to generate animation binary files withGlediator/Jynx! and store them on remote API, create IONIC app (using existing bluetooth-serial library) and transfer the binary data to arduino throw bluetooth. This way I shold be able to add new animations/effects without updating arduino/IONIC apps.

  1. How I should send Glediator binary data to arduino?
    If i can't do that: How can I "translate" binary data to some type of data that I can send/undestand on arduino?
  2. Default Glediator baud-rate is 10000, can I run bluetooth serial with the same rate?
  3. Should I write custom software to generate that animations?

Sorry for my bad English and thanks for your help!

My goal is to generate animation binary files withGlediator/Jynx! and store them on remote API, create IONIC app (using existing bluetooth-serial library) and transfer the binary data to arduino throw bluetooth. This way I shold be able to add new animations/effects without updating arduino/IONIC apps.

I'm not sure what you are saying there... you need their code to play the sequence...

They give you an arduino sketch or here for mega to read pixel frames - you should study that, possibly (depending on size of the data) store it on a se card as a file and then you can read again those files without being connected to your computer and play the frames

I need to be able save sequence as a file, then send that file from smartphone to Arduino via bluetooth and finally read that data from Bluetooth on Arduino serial port & control led matrix accordingly to received data

Are you wanting to update the patterns, changing the code, from the phone? Can't be done.
Arduino can have all the predetermined patterns uploaded, then switching between patterns can be done with the phone over BT. This could be broken down to tiny bits for the phone to stream info to the Arduino to constantly update parts for the appearance of what you want, but you cannot change the code.

I don't want to re-program Arduino, instead of that I want to send some data over Serial port and store them (SD card/EEPROM)

see my post #1.

you have source code that knows how to receive that and play along that is provided by the author of the app. explore that source code and understand what's the receiving part of the code and what's the animation part of that code. Once you understand that you can do two programs: one that receive data and instead of playing store it in a file on SD card - that's to prepare your SD card with appropriate content. You will only use the receive part of the code for that and add the code to store on SD.

Once the data is in the SD card, then you'll write a second program, that knows how to receive a bluetooth instruction to play an animation. To do this you will take the code that does the animation but instead of reading from Serial (the receiving code), you'll replace that by reading from your SD card.

Once both work, you can explore how to have one piece of software doing both - a "save to SD" mode and a "play back" mode.