Neo-6M GPS shield - update faster than 1Hz

UBLOX_INIT doesn't seem to be doing anything in my code.

I've got your ubloxRate.INO running now (it was necessary to change LAST_SENTENCE_IN_INTERVAL in NMEAGOS_cfg.h to NMEAGPS::NMEA_GLL. It was originally set to NMEAGPS::NMEA_RMC.

The program runs and data is printed to screen every a second. When I enter the command 'r5' or 'r0' (without quotes) there is no change in the rate of data printed. Should there be?

The '0' and 'd' commands also don't seem to do anything.

Here is a typical data line when command '1' is sent:

3,2017-04-18 11:32:53.00,-156593350,-478401383,9477,1860,102530,8,7808,3,431308,

Here is a line when '0' is sent:

3,2017-04-18 11:34:27.00,-156592900,-478404100,9477,1170,99920,7,8648,4,482484,

Still in '0' mode, here is a typical print out when 'e' is toggled:

5A3,2017-04-18 11:35:45.00,-156593017,-478402883,9477,220,100910,7,9346,5,524800,

All these messages come once a second.

If I enter 'r5' or 'r0' there is no change in the rate.