help- add switch 2 trafficLight controller sketch

Hi guys,

I am a beginner and have developed a sketch for a traffic light controller (4 lanes). It works perfectly, but I need to add a switch that turns on the 4 yellow lights into blinking mode when needed like when it's late at night.

Guys could you please take a look and help me adding that switch?


/* real_us_traffic_lights2.pde
   By: Daniel Wright
   2010.JAN.30         (Modified by Ayad Derbal 2010.Feb.23)
   I kept seeing all these Traffic Light programs on the internet
   and I was real unhappy that they were all European style.
   No one had made a US Traffic light. Well, Here it is!
   Realistic US Traffic Lights without cross walk buttons.
   I am going to work on a model with the Pedestrian cross walk
   buttons next.
int carRed1 = 13; // assign the car1 lights
int carYellow1 = 12;
int carGreen1 = 11;
int carRed2 = 10; // assign the car2 lights
int carYellow2 = 9;
int carGreen2 = 8;
int carRed3 = 7; // assign the car3 lights
int carYellow3 = 6;
int carGreen3 = 5;
int carRed4 = 4; // assign the car4 lights
int carYellow4 = 3;
int carGreen4 = 2;

void setup() {
pinMode(carRed1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(carYellow1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(carGreen1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(carRed2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(carYellow2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(carGreen2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(carRed3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(carYellow3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(carGreen3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(carRed4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(carYellow4, OUTPUT);
pinMode(carGreen4, OUTPUT);

// initialize the lights
digitalWrite(carRed1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(carRed2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(carRed3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(carRed4, HIGH);

void loop() {
digitalWrite(carRed1, LOW);
digitalWrite(carYellow1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(carGreen1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(carYellow1, LOW);
// flash the ped red 1
for (int x=0; x<6; x++) {
digitalWrite(carYellow1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(carYellow1, LOW);
digitalWrite(carGreen1, LOW);
digitalWrite(carYellow1, LOW);
digitalWrite(carRed1, HIGH);

delay(2000); // wait 1 second till its safe

digitalWrite(carRed2, LOW);
digitalWrite(carYellow2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(carGreen2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(carYellow2, LOW);
// flash the ped red 1
for (int x=0; x<6; x++) {
digitalWrite(carYellow2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(carYellow2, LOW);
digitalWrite(carGreen2, LOW);
digitalWrite(carYellow2, LOW);
digitalWrite(carRed2, HIGH);
delay(2000); // wait 1 second till its safe

digitalWrite(carRed3, LOW);
digitalWrite(carYellow3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(carGreen3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(carYellow3, LOW);
// flash the ped red 1
for (int x=0; x<6; x++) {
digitalWrite(carYellow3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(carYellow3, LOW);
digitalWrite(carGreen3, LOW);
digitalWrite(carYellow3, LOW);
digitalWrite(carRed3, HIGH);
delay(2000); // wait 1 second till its safe

digitalWrite(carRed4, LOW);
digitalWrite(carYellow4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(carGreen4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(carYellow4, LOW);
// flash the ped red 1
for (int x=0; x<6; x++) {
digitalWrite(carYellow4, HIGH);
digitalWrite(carYellow4, LOW);
digitalWrite(carGreen4, LOW);
digitalWrite(carYellow4, LOW);
digitalWrite(carRed4, HIGH);
delay(2000); // wait 1 second till its safe