NMEA 2000 Shield

EEPROM has been guaranteed to work with 100000 write cycles. If you save rarely enough, it is not problem. With 5 s priod you will reach that less than week.

If you have battery on Teensy, you can use VBAT registers.

struct tNvRamData {
   uint32_t EngineRunTime;  // Seconds

#define NVRAM_BASE 0x4003E000

tNvRamData *pNvRamData=(tNvRamData *)(NVRAM_BASE); 

tNvRamData has been defined as struct, so you can easily add there more data.

There are totally 32 VBAT registers, but I read somewhere that 0x4003E01C has been used by Teensy code, so there is 28 byte available. This means max. 7 uint32_t.

When you save to SD card, other than interrupts will be stopped.