[SOLVED] Problem with camera module OV7670

Here is my sketch and the connections.
The sketch is for capturing grayscale images (because it is easier).
For receiving images you will need to install the software from one of the tutorials from the first post.

// Pins configurations:
// SDA/SIOD ---> pin A4 (for Arduino UNO) | pin 20/SDA (for Arduino MEGA)
// SCL/SIOC ---> pin A5 (for Arduino UNO) | pin 21/SCL (for Arduino MEGA)
// MCLK/XCLK --> pin 11 (for Arduino UNO) | pin 10 (for Arduino MEGA)
// PCLK -------> pin 2
// VS/VSYNC ---> pin 3
// HS/HREF ----> pin 8
// D0 ---------> pin A0
// D1 ---------> pin A1
// D2 ---------> pin A2
// D3 ---------> pin A3
// D4 ---------> pin 4
// D5 ---------> pin 5
// D6 ---------> pin 6
// D7 ---------> pin 7

#include <Wire.h>

#define CAMERA_ADDRESS 0x21

// Definitions of functions for manipulating the Arduino boards pins according to each Arduino board registers, so the code will work for both Arduino UNO and Arduino MEGA:
// The only change is the connections of the SDA/SIOD, SCL/SIOC and MCLK/XCLK pins to each board (see the pins configurations above).
#if defined(__AVR_ATmega1280__) || defined(__AVR_ATmega2560__) // If you are using Arduino MEGA the IDE will automatically define the "__AVR_ATmega1280__" or "__AVR_ATmega2560__" constants.
#define TIMER2_PWM_A_PIN_MODE_OUTPUT() ({ DDRB |= 0b00010000; })
#define PIN2_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PINE & 0b00010000) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PIN3_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PINE & 0b00100000) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PIN4_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PING & 0b00100000) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PIN5_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PINE & 0b00001000) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PIN6_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PINH & 0b00001000) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PIN7_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PINH & 0b00010000) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PIN8_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PINH & 0b00100000) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PINA0_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PINF & 0b00000001) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PINA1_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PINF & 0b00000010) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PINA2_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PINF & 0b00000100) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PINA3_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PINF & 0b00001000) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#elif defined(__AVR_ATmega328P__) // If you are using Arduino UNO the IDE will automatically define the "__AVR_ATmega328P__" constant.
#define TIMER2_PWM_A_PIN_MODE_OUTPUT() ({ DDRB |= 0b00001000; })
#define PIN2_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PIND & 0b00000100) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PIN3_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PIND & 0b00001000) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PIN4_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PIND & 0b00010000) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PIN5_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PIND & 0b00100000) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PIN6_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PIND & 0b01000000) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PIN7_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PIND & 0b10000000) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PIN8_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PINB & 0b00000001) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PINA0_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PINC & 0b00000001) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PINA1_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PINC & 0b00000010) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PINA2_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PINC & 0b00000100) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })
#define PINA3_DIGITAL_READ() ({ (PINC & 0b00001000) == 0 ? LOW : HIGH; })

void initializePWMTimer() {
  TIMER2_PWM_A_PIN_MODE_OUTPUT(); // Set the A PWM pin of TIMER2 to output
  ASSR &= ~(_BV(EXCLK) | _BV(AS2));
  TCCR2A = (1 << COM2A0) | (1 << WGM21) | (1 << WGM20);
  TCCR2B = (1 << WGM22) | (1 << CS20);
  OCR2A = 0;

byte readCameraRegister(byte registerId) {
  Wire.requestFrom(CAMERA_ADDRESS, 1);
  while (Wire.available() <= 0);
  byte registerValue = Wire.read();
  return registerValue;

void writeCameraRegister(byte registerId, byte registerValue) {

void captureFrame(unsigned int frameWidth, unsigned int frameHeight) {
  Serial.print("*RDY*"); // send to the frame capture software a "start of frame" message for beginning capturing


  cli(); // disable all interrupts during frame capture (because it needs to be as fast as possible)
  while (PIN3_DIGITAL_READ() == LOW); // wait until VS/VSYNC pin is high
  while (PIN3_DIGITAL_READ() == HIGH); // wait until VS/VSYNC pin is low
  unsigned int tempWidth = 0;
  while (frameHeight--) {
    tempWidth = frameWidth;
    while (tempWidth--) {
      while (PIN2_DIGITAL_READ() == LOW); // wait until PCLK pin is high
      while (PIN2_DIGITAL_READ() == HIGH); // wait until PCLK pin is low
      byte byteToWrite = 0b00000000;
      byteToWrite |= ((PIN7_DIGITAL_READ() == HIGH) << 7);
      byteToWrite |= ((PIN6_DIGITAL_READ() == HIGH) << 6);
      byteToWrite |= ((PIN5_DIGITAL_READ() == HIGH) << 5);
      byteToWrite |= ((PIN4_DIGITAL_READ() == HIGH) << 4);
      byteToWrite |= ((PINA3_DIGITAL_READ() == HIGH) << 3);
      byteToWrite |= ((PINA2_DIGITAL_READ() == HIGH) << 2);
      byteToWrite |= ((PINA1_DIGITAL_READ() == HIGH) << 1);
      byteToWrite |= ((PINA0_DIGITAL_READ() == HIGH));
      UDR0 = byteToWrite; // send data via serial connection with UART register (we need to use the serial register directly for fast transfer)
      while (PIN2_DIGITAL_READ() == LOW); // wait until PCLK pin is high
      while (PIN2_DIGITAL_READ() == HIGH); // wait until PCLK pin is low
      // ignore each second byte (for a grayscale image we only need each first byte, which represents luminescence)
  sei(); // enable all interrupts

void setup() {
  Serial.begin(1000000); // the frame capture software communicates with the Arduino at a baud rate of 1MHz

void loop() {
  captureFrame(320, 240); // capture a frame at QVGA resolution (320 x 240)
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