IRremote for my 8x8x8 led cube on the mega

Hi ...

Uh ... well ....

As I didn`t know which methode would be best which to use, the state machine or the currentTime thing I tried both a bit (for about 5 hours :o ) but finally gave up. At first the state machine with the switch and case look promissing but halfway the effect the delay was put in the for loop instead of after like the first few. This gave me a bit of a headache.... :confused:

And the currentTime thing I still dont really understand how the timing works even though I have used it on others effects (space and wormsqueeze) succesfully and also how to use it in the for loop to get rid of the delay..... Now mayby they are both not suited for the job and there is an otherway. So after a while I thought it was time to ask for some help. But I dont have any sketches :frowning:
