Bookmark posts?

I've looked through a lot of posts, even though I haven't been contributing much myself, ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway, I've found some really good helpful ones and I was wondering if there was any system to bookmark forum posts. Does anyone know?

If there isn't, I'd like to ask for one. It'd be pretty helpful and an easy way to keep track of posts.

Almost certainly your browser has a bookmarks feature.

As for a way to do this within the forum software, if you click the "Receive Emails" button on the top right corner of a thread and select "Receive Alerts", "Receive Emails", or "Receive Emails and Alerts" then you will be able to find a list of all the threads you did that for like this:

  • Click your profile picture in the top right corner of the Arduino webpage.
  • Forum Settings > Edit
  • Settings > Notifications > Watched Topics

I was wondering if there was any system to bookmark forum posts.

I just do it with my Browser.
