
What is it with nF that engineers don't like? I purchased some various smd capacitors from digikey and they really like pF, going up to 10000pF, then switch to .1uF.
I had to think for a second with a microchip I'm playing with, as they have a .1uF capacitor on a VDDIO pin, then call for a 100nF on a VREG pin. :confused:

What am I missing?

In the old days there was no nano, pico, atto, femto, giga, tera, peta, exa.
There was only milli, micro, kilo, mega.

Capacitors were thus described using micros and micro-micros. µF, µµF
The manufacturers lagged behind everyone else I think. What's more they seemed
to have an aversion to millifarads (note there was never any aversion to milliohms). pF replaced
µµF but for some reason nF wasn't popular, perhaps because there was no pre-existing prefix.