Control servos through app trouble

the blink code ran fine but as I ran my code for the servos they tended to run laggy due to the extra data being transmitted

Great you now have a place to start and you add back small pieces of the servo code until something breaks. Keeps us informed about what you find.

It certainly can't hurt to try an independent power source. If one end of the usb cable is into the Trinket, what is the other end currently attached to? What is downloading the program to the Trinket when you are in boot mode? Is it by any change an ipad, iphone, or a Mac terminal which is also running the wireless BT?

For clarity, and perhaps some possible interaction due to reserved names in the ide, you may want to rename the Software serial instance to something like BT_Serial. However, since the blink example works with the SoftwareSerial Serial(0,1) call, it may not be the root cause of the problem.