Sending mutiple sets of LDR data from Arduino to Max/MSP


void loop() {

sensorValue = map(analogRead(sensorPin1),0,600,0,255);
sensorValue2 = map(analogRead(sensorPin2),0,600,0,255); // map the values to a useful range 0-255


Your second reading may be picking up the residue from the first one after the ADC is switched to the second pin. Try this

sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin1); // this reading gets discarded
sensorValue = map(analogRead(sensorPin1),0,600,0,255); 
sensorValue2 = analogRead(sensorPin2); // this reading gets discarded
sensorValue2 = map(analogRead(sensorPin2),0,600,0,255);
