Arduino Zero ESP8266 AT Command troubles

That information is only correct for boards without native USB, such as Uno, Nano, Mega. The Zero has native USB so that won't work.

You need to run a sketch on the Zero that will bridge communication between Serial (the communication with Serial Monitor via the USB cable) and Serial1 (the communication with the ESP8266. You will find such a sketch at File > Examples > 04.Communication > SerialPassthrough. You only need to change the baudrate settings in that sketch to 115200 instead of 9600:


You need to connect the Zero's pin 0 (RX) to the TX pin on the ESP8266. You need to connect the Zero's pin 1 (TX) to the RX pin on the ESP8266. The reason for the RX-TX, TX-RX connections is that TX stands for "transmit" and RX stands for "receive".