The new Arduino IOT Cloud System

I had a go, but I was halted by this error:

We detected multiple boards connected to your computer.
Please disconnect all of the boards from your computer, except for the MKR WiFi 1010 you are trying to configure.

I did disconnect all the Arduino boards other than my MKR 1010. But I have various other virtual COM port devices attached to my computer and I guess that is blocking it? Those devices tend to give me hassles when I unplug them so I don't think I want to try it out that badly. It's odd because you'd think it could identify the MKR 1010 by the VID/PID. None of the other ports use any Arduino VID/PID.

Can it be used with regular Arduino boards we may already have like UNO or Mega??

At least for now, it looks like the only options are MKR 1010 and MKR1000.

We may get an official response here:

If you wanted to investigate further, you could take a look at the source code of the libraries to see how feasible it would be to "hack' in a different board.

I'm guessing they will have some graphical interface that will only make much sense if you're using one of the intended boards. The whole point of this thing is to be extremely point-and-click so the target user probably wouldn't benefit at all from using a "hacked" in Mega.