Using a bluetooth module to send/receive more than 1 information

This is my code here the goal was to turn on a led depending on which information ( 1 2 or 3 ) I send from my phone to the BT module.
I tried to control with a slider on my app the brightness of my led ( from 0 to 255 ), and there is the problem if the slider reaches the values 0 1 or 3 it will activate the other instructions, that's why I'm asking if there is a way to send two different information, so can we for example set two variables that read the serial at the same time, one for numbers(int) and the other for a text for example(char) or there is another way to do it.

int state = 0;
const int ledr = 8 ;
const int ledb = 9 ;
const int ledg = 10 ;

void setup() {
pinMode(ledr, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledb, OUTPUT);
pinMode(ledg, OUTPUT);

void loop() {

if(Serial.available() > 0){
state =;

if (state == '0') {
digitalWrite(ledr, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledb, LOW);
digitalWrite(ledg, LOW);
Serial.println("LED: OFF");
state = 0;


if (state == '1') {
digitalWrite(ledr, HIGH);
Serial.println("Red Led: ON");


if (state == '2') {
digitalWrite(ledb, HIGH);
Serial.println("Blue Led: ON");


if (state == '3') {
digitalWrite(ledg, HIGH);
Serial.println("Green Led: ON");

