I need help with a Joystick

Hi, I'm pretty new with this and I'm working with the school.
My teacher asked me to "draw" in the console with a Joystick, when it moves, a point that should appear in the console should "draw" what you move on the devise.
Someone has any idea? I searched and didn't found anything

Basically you can’t draw in the console.
You could write another program in any language to do this on your computer. Processing is a good language to use and it is free. Just send the current position to it over the serial port and have the program join up the current position to the last one.

You could also do this with Python especially if you use a Raspberry Pi.

I think the teacher means processing, same type of environment.
or do you have a display connected to your arduino?

I think the teacher means Processing, same type of environment.
or do you have a display connected to your arduino?