Forum software open discussion and suggestions feature requests.


  • Resize our server

I was surprised to see that this wasn't "resize our servers".

Does the website software really constrain you to running it on a single box? What about the back end? If so, is it worth considering a migration to a cloud environment where you can scale up CPU and RAM dynamically with the ebb and flow of demand?

Looking at the stats at the bottom of the main page, it doesn't look as though usage is increasing, on the few times I've looked at it, ~3000 users sounds familiar and I see that the max was three years ago.

Is there anything else Cloudflare can do to fend off DOS attacks and the like?

If you're already cloud hosted and dynamic resource provisioning isn't solving your issues, then I guess it is time for a brand new forum as Robin2 suggests.

I also heartily agree with this:

May I also suggest that if you do choose new Forum software then just use it without any modification other than to apply Arduino colours and the Arduino Logo.