simple modbus master

Can anyone explain how the function 15

i have been running some test on this
and cant figure out how to use the

is this the data to read from
is it a pointer to another File

modbus_construct(&packets[PACKET1], 1, 15, 1, 8, 1021);

dec 8 = (no_of_registers = packet->data) // number of coils
so frame 6 = 1 (frame[6] = no_of_bytes;) // number of bytes more
dec 1021 = (packet->local_start_address)
the dec 1021 and 65565 seams to work
but makes no sense to me in binary format ?

part of CPP file:

unsigned char construct_F15()
// function 15 coil information is packed LSB first until the first 16 bits are completed
// It is received the same way..
unsigned char no_of_registers = packet->data / 16;
unsigned char no_of_bytes = no_of_registers * 2;

// if the number of points dont fit in even 2byte amounts (one register) then use another register and pad
if (packet->data % 16 > 0)

frame[6] = no_of_bytes;
unsigned char bytes_processed = 0;
unsigned char index = 7; // user data starts at index 7
unsigned int temp;

for (unsigned char i = 0; i < no_of_registers; i++)
temp = register_array[packet->local_start_address + i]; // get the data

frame[index] = temp & 0xFF;


if (bytes_processed < no_of_bytes)
frame[index + 1] = temp >> 8;
index += 2;
unsigned char frameSize = (9 + no_of_bytes); // first 7 bytes of the array + 2 bytes CRC + noOfBytes
return frameSize;

What exactly is your question?


Most implementations call this "Write multiple coils" which explains much better what it actually does.

You posted a small excerpt of what probably is part of a library. But there is no link to the library and you didn't use code tags!

i found it
it is the

temp = register_array[packet->local_start_address + i]; // get the data
in the ccp file

register_array[packet->local_start_address + i]
its pointing to the wrong location.
supersized no one has noticed this as long as the simplemodbusmaster adruino
has been used ?
or i have a bad file ?

i have temp corrected this by replacing with

unsigned char construct_F15()
// function 15 coil information is packed LSB first until the first 8 bits are completed
unsigned char frameSize = 10;
unsigned char temp;
frame[6] = 1;
frame[7] = packet->local_start_address ^ 0XFFFF;
return frameSize;
works for a BYTE (0 - 255)