Disable 5V logic on MKR Connector Carrier

EDIT: Updated title to reflect the intent of the thread.


I've been working with a couple of instruments that require a pull-up resistor (a Davis anemometer, and DS18B20 temperature sensors). I've had trouble getting them to work work when connected to the analog pins on the connector carrier - though they work perfectly when the MKR1010 is not connected to the carrier.

As much as I'm not an engineer, I'm guessing this is due to pull-down resistors being attached to the analog pins in the carrier board (the schematic is here: https://content.arduino.cc/assets/MKRConnectorCarrier_V3.0_sch.pdf). I guess it's there to protect the 3.3v logic on the MKR from the 5v that is supplied by the carrier?

Can anyone confirm this, and does anyone have an idea to bypass the problem feature (Can I just remove the resistor from the board?)

UPDATE: This strange config renders the analog pins useless as digital I/O. I also tried using the HX711 breakout (which uses it's own comms through CLK and DATA channels), and unless the MKR is removed from the shield, the HX711 (plugged directly into the MKR header) is identified, but returns '0'. Unplugging the carrier causes the signal to return to normal values (~'505000'). And finally, plugging the DATA channel to digital pin on the MKR returns a (reasonably constant) '247'.

Plugging the HX711 into the equivalent pins on the carrier does nothing, and the board cannot be detected.

SOLUTION (perhaps not the best) : Remove the 910k resistors and 100n capacitors between the Ax pins and ground, and solder over the 470k in-line resitors. Don't use the +5v pin.

Any better ideas?

I wonder whether anyone has any insight into the feasibility of modifying the TPS54232 configuration on the MKR connector carrier to reconfigure the board to 3.3V logic?

The deeper I dig, the more oddities I find with the operation of the 5V logic (for example, Analog output drops to 2.2V when using the MKR battery input, and digital output drops to 3.3V).

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