Windows/Linux/Mac Eclipse plugin to compile and upload arduino sketches

Lubuntu (Ubuntu flavor) - 18.04

Arduino 1.8.12 works fine.

Sloeber on network drive

'Installed' package 4.4.3 64bit from website.

Eclipse starts fine.
Chose file/cpp. Template showed up ok.

Basically, I just put the lines of the 'blink' example in. Result:

mnt/linux/installs/Sloeber//arduinoPlugin/packages/arduino/tools/avr-gcc/7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino5/bin/avr-gcc-ar: Cannot find plugin ''
makefile:73: recipe for target '/rdkl/ardproj/tbb/Release/' failed

I see the makefile line where the fail happened.

Lots of web searching.
I have seen that this problem (Cannot find plugin '') is most often a mismatched xxx-ar version, bad path, or multiple toolset installations. I don't think these are my problems, but have no way to verify any of that. It is a 'not found' message, not a 'mismatch" or 'wrong version' message.

How to set/verify the path?
How can I even dump a very verbose run to see where ar is trying to find this lib?

I did copy the Sloeber supplied to the project directory and Sloeber .../bin directory. No difference.

Any suggestions will be appreciated.
While it hasn't worked for me yet, I see and appreciate the effort. I have confidence this is what I want to use (I used Eclpise in the past) and trust others' good words about Sloeber. I need the flexibility for multiple non-Arduino libraries NOT attached to a single program/project.

Is there an env var I can set? Create a link? Hit it with a stick?

BTW, is there another donation method that can be used? Could that be mentioned on your website?
