Eclipse plugin version 1.1.0 is compatible with Arduino 1

edit the incompatibility is fixed in 1.1.0

If you are using the eclipse plugin please do not yet upgrade to Arduino 1.0 lightly
There is more work than renaming wProgram.h. Basically the new approach for handling pins_arduino.h is not easily solved.
The problem is that currently in eclipse there is a project per MCU type. However there are MCU's that have 2 different pins_arduino.h. See below an extract from boards.txt

############################################################## Diecimila or Duemilanove w/ ATmega168

############################################################## Nano w/ ATmega168

Therefore I will need to create a project per Arduino board type and link in the correct pins_arduino.h. This will cost some time because I need to learn some new (to me) eclipse functionality and because I'm pretty be bussy till end of next week.

If you do not have boards with a different pin layout and the same MCU a dummy's work around can be done as follows:
Change "WProgram.h" to "arduino.h"
Use import library to import the folder containing the correct pins_arduino.h (see that in the board.txt file) in your project and in the mcu project.

If you have boards with a different pin layout and the same MCU a work around can be done as follows:
Create eclipse environment to separate the boards and use the above work around.

If you know a link on how to create environment variables in Eclipse that can be used to define eclipse includes like the "AVRTARGETMCU" I'm currently using. Send it to me please.
If you think there is a better way please let me know

Best regards

Interesting. It seems that some of my issues from the other thread (,79595.0.html) may have to do with Arduino IDE 1.0. Since I just upgraded last night just before I started working with the plugin.

Thanks again for all your hard work with the plugin. I think that it has a way to go, but no doubt there is a great start to it. I will help as I can.


The eclipse plugin release 1.1.0 is compatible with 0023 and 1.0 of the arduino IDE and is available on the update site.
Note that the plugin only solves 2 issues:
The pins_arduino.h and the WProgram.h versus Arduino.h.
When upgrading it is avised to create a new eclipse workspace, create new projects and copy the code in the project.
Best regards

PS It is possible to keep the workspace but it requires a lot of knowledge on the eclipse platform.

Hi All, On the latest plugin, i create a project yesterday and have not been able to get mills() to function properly! It has very inconsistent values. Any thoughts?

If it compiled and uploaded to the board it has nothing to do with the eclipse plugin. Due to many other things to do I have not been able to test it really myself.
Best thing to do is to compile and upload in the ide and see whether you have the same problem. If so it may be a arduino 1.0 issue
Best regards

on the latest version as of Dec 23, on any function returning boolean true or false, a check for if (function()) or if (!function()) doesn't work properly and you must include if (function() != 0) or if (function() == 0) to make it work properly. is there a setting to make the boolean logic work like normal "C" ?