Please delete my account

I don't know you but good for you. If I have an account then don't I have a right to ask?

I'm glad you can copy and paste code and follow the diagrams. I had a 75 in 1 kit when I was 12 and followed the diagrams to wire it but I don't remember anything about electronics so copying something doesn't necessarily give you understanding.

Thank you for comparing yourself to me. Was that supposed to make me feel better? It didn't work.

I find it laughable that your even still here making reply's to somthing you've decided to ditch.

I've been at the arduino for 5 days and I've made a few simple and some what boring examples but the point being is I did it, I wrote the code and I learnt how to write it and wire the components, thats given me determination to continue.

I find it despicable that you want someone to baby sit you through somthing that costs you £20/$25~
Open source doesnt mean people will coach you.
you dont have time to learn? make time or find somone you are willing to pay for tutoring if such a person exist out side colleges/universities.

If you've lost interest then log out of the site, delete your history if you really need to and dont come back. a deleted account isnt going to make any difference and it just sounds like your here to rant.
