Please delete my account

I don't know you but good for you. If I have an account then don't I have a right to ask?

You do have the right to ask, but theres also the right to tell you that people cant help you. They can either try and get you to stay, or tell you to go. Since when do you need account deletion to leave something?

I'm glad you can copy and paste code and follow the diagrams. I had a 75 in 1 kit when I was 12 and followed the diagrams to wire it but I don't remember anything about electronics so copying something doesn't necessarily give you understanding.

How else is someone to learn other then doing something, and the figuring out why it worked? When your in school tahts all they do. They give you an example of a math problem. You do it, several times, with different circumstances each time, and you learn everntally how to get teh correct answer/

Thank you for comparing yourself to me. Was that supposed to make me feel better? It didn't work.
Where did he compare himself to you. He said what He had done. That he had taught himself. No comparison there. He then said you were despicable for wanting to be babied but thats a different story altogether

Getting some good lols out of this though. Still commenting back even though you say you quit.