Error in class definition


I just started using an old Arduino Decimila that my friend leant to me. I am trying to remember some of my old programing but for the life of me can't figure out why this class definition isn't working. I was wondering if someone could help?

The code and the error message are bellow. Any ideas?



sketch_mar18a:66: error: expected }' at end of input sketch_mar18a.cpp: In member function 'int Leg::getS0()': sketch_mar18a:18: error: expected primary-expression before ')' token sketch_mar18a:18: error: expected ;' before ')' token
sketch_mar18a:66: error: expected `}' at end of input
sketch_mar18a.cpp: At global scope:
sketch_mar18a:66: error: expected unqualified-id at end of input


#include <Servo.h>

class Leg
int s0;
int s1;
int d0;
int d1;

Leg() {};

Leg(int inputS0, int inputS1);

void setS0(int inputS0);
void setS1(int inputS1);

int getS0() {return s0;)
int getS1() {return s1;)
int getD0() {return d0;)
int getD1() {return d1;)

Leg::Leg(int inputS0, int inputS10)
d0 = 138;
d1 = 58;

void Leg::setS0(int inputS0)
if (inputS0 > 180) inputS0 = 180;
if (inputS0 < 0) inputS0 = 0;
s0 = inputS0;

void Leg:setS1(int inputS1)
if (inputS1 > 135) inputS1 = 135;
if (inputS1 < 0) inputS1 = 0;
s1 = inputS1;

Servo servo0;
Servo servo1;
int lowerLimit = 540; // 0 degrees at 540 microsecs with 0 degs tollerance
int upperLimit = 2360; //180 degrees at 2360 microsecs with 0 degs tollerance

Leg leg0;

void setup()
servo0.attach(0,lowerLimit, upperLimit);
servo1.attach(1,lowerLimit, upperLimit);

void loop()
servo1.write(180 - getS1());

int getS0() {return s0;)
int getS1() {return s1;)
int getD0() {return d0;)
int getD1() {return d1;)

Open brace, close parenthesis?

  Leg() {};

Your no-argument constructor does not set any of the member variables. Why not? Why do you have a no-argument constructor?

void Leg:setS1(int inputS1)

Missing a colon I think.

Thank you very much guys! This helped a lot, there were a couple of other bugs too I am embarassed to say, but after the parentheses problem was fixed the rest were easy spot.

Thanks guys!
