00 scale turntable project

Does that mean you have now been able to upload your code?
Where you trying to upload with all the other hardware connected?

Can you please post a circuit diagram, including power supply?

You should be able to post your code like this;

#define HALL_SENSOR      3
#define DIR      10
#define STEP      11
// Direction Variable
boolean setdir = LOW;
void homefunction() {
  // Set motor speed pulse duration
  int pd = 4000;
  // Move motor until home position reached
  while (digitalRead(HALL_SENSOR) == 1) {
    digitalWrite(DIR, setdir);
    digitalWrite(STEP, HIGH);
    digitalWrite(STEP, LOW);
void setup() {
  // Setup the stepper controller pins as Outputs
  pinMode(DIR, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(STEP, OUTPUT);
  // Setup the Hall Effect switch as an Input
  // Home the motor
void loop() {

To add code please click this link;

Tom... :smiley: :+1: :coffee: :australia: