I am running into similar problems, and have been attempting to reinstall the standard Servo library, but I cannot seem to get it to work. Instead, I have been using the MegaServo library, which seems to work, I am just not sure why (I am on a Duemillanove and 0013).
Is the MagaServo and standard servo library identical when running on a Duemillanove?
Also, in a previous post of yours, mem, you mention the use of the refresh function to ensure you are getting the best performance out of the servo you are using. Is the post that I am reading that information from outdated and the refresh timer is built into the new libraries? Any feedback would be awesome!
Software servo code needs to be refreshed every 20 milliseconds or so, otherwise the servo performance will suffer. This requirement complicates the design of a sketch, particularly if the application needs to wait for things to happen. Using a hardware servo library eliminates the need to call a refresh function in your sketch (this is done internally by the hardware).
MegaServo is a drop-in replacement for the standard servo library and can use identical code. See the playground for more information on its additional features.