1.3 TFT display not working with nano

Hello everyone,
Im totally new to the arduino community, ive been doing this for only a week, today i tried to make a display i ordered on aliexpress (https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/1005004424192616.html, the black board version) work with a nano (atmega328p with old bootloader).
It says its st7789 so i tried many many things that ive seen online, with the adafruit gfx and st7789 library, the fast_st7789 library,etc
Cant seem to make it work
Tried with st7735, same problem
I managed to get the display warm and got one "hello world" randomly clear, but thats all.
You can sometime see that the graphic test is on going by seeing some micro lines or lights moving in the display.

My wiring is :
GND = gnd
VCC = 3.3v
SCK = D13
SDA = D11
RES = D9
DC = D8

I tried some differents wiring with other programs but still cant make it work.

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