1.8.19, Win10, starts minimized, can't maximize

I've tried uninstall, reinstall, but the error persists. VERY similar to the recent serial monitor window post but, its the executable itself. Splash screen shows "intializing, preparing, starting" then it minimizes to a thumbnail titled "blinkwithoutdelay" but blank contents, and won't maximize.

Is there a list of registry entries, appdata, ini's,etc basically everything the installation process touches? And what to do to SAFELY revert?

Thanks for any help or guidance!

This is what I found


Thanks!!! Option 3 was the silver bullet.

Window off the display was the first thing we suspected as it happens a lot to us with HDMI, however we've never seen it persist through removing all external displays, restarts, reinstalls and even task view, move desktop was unable to "find" it.
Thanks for the link. It's bookmarked. :slight_smile: Apparently we've just been lucky never being in this predicament before.

Thanks again!

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