I can write characters and so on to the display just fine. However if I then set the processor into an idle loop the display goes white screen after a random length of time - sometimes seconds, more usually a few minutes. All the wiring seems reliable as it never fails to write. Everything is running at 3.3V so it's not a 5V/3.3V mismatch.
I've tried adding series 1k resistors in the data lines which I found in another post on this forum but no difference. I've also added a 470uF capacitor on the power lines to the TFT to stop any induced noise from the power supply.
TFT is the 1.8" 8 pin red PCB one : https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/B078J5TS2G/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o02_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
I'm assuming the processor in the display is being left running after writing the display and eventually crashing, but I can't see any go to sleep command.
Any suggestions ?
friend if the screen works with logical levels of 3.3V you should use a logic level converter (https://www.vistronica.com/comunicaciones/serial/modulo-conversor-de-nivel-logico-de-5v-a- 3-3v-3-3v-a-5v-detail.html) so that the screen can operate
friend if the screen works with logical levels of 3.3V you should use a logic level converter (https://www.vistronica.com/comunicaciones/serial/modulo-conversor-de-nivel-logico-de-5v-a- 3-3v-3-3v-a-5v-detail.html) so that the screen can operate
As I said, I'm using a 3.3v processor (Blue Pill) so don't need the convertors.
However for anybody else who every finds this post and has the same problem, the issue is with the RST pin on the LCD. I was issuing two reset lows about 2 seconds apart before programming it and this seemed to set it off working but then it was remembering the second reset and resetting randomly later on.
Rubbish. The Power-On behaviour, Hardware-Reset behaviour, Software-Reset behaviour is documented in the datasheet.
Likewise, the BluePill behaviour is documented in the STM32F103C datasheet.
If you want an answer, you should post a sensible question with adequate information e.g. libraries, sketch, core, ...
But the most obvious thing to check first is the quality of your wiring and soldered connections.