Hello all, I am thinking of getting this kit http://www.robotshop.com/uk/dfrobot-4wd-arduino-mobile-platform.html , I will be using it with a UNO, but I will need a motorshield.
Since there are 4 motors, would it be wiser to use one adafruit shield or stack two arduino Shields?
If I do stack two will I need to do any modifications, or if I do the adafruit one will there be any compatability issues?
Hello, anybody got and idea?
Please specify which shields you are referring.
When you use two shields, they must not use the same data pins. No such problem with a single shield.
If you wanted to stack two official Arduino Motor Shields, then you would need to modify one of them to work using different pins.
This is likely to involve cutting the PCB tracks at strategic places, and then connecting the cut tracks, using wire links, to different pins.
This is something that might be outside your field of experience.
For this reason, it might be easier to go for the other option, the Adafruit Motor Shield.
You will need 8 PWM pins to control the speed of 4 motors in both directions. UNO dosen't support that. However, If you dont want speed control on 2 motors in one direction,its okay. Go with the adafruit motor shield.
Adafruit motor shield supports PWM speed control on all 4 motors, without the need to use any arduino's PWM pins. Go with adafruit motor shield.