1 simple question

Hello people as decribed in the title it just a quick quesion.

Im building a quad on the side of my studies At the time wundering about how i can combine the angular rate readings from the gyro and the angle from the accelerometer? Yes i see people commonly using the kalmanfilter and the complimentary filter, but matematically. In my minde i cant finde a way combining them, so if annyone got the awnser or sorces that have the awnser i would be gratefull.

I have no idea what is the answer to this issue. But I am intrigued that in all of the Threads that refer to a "simple question" it is invariably a complex question :slight_smile:


This is because beginners have absolutely no clue as to how things work and so can't judge what is simple and what is not.

The first thing is what is a quad, a form of transport like a four wheeled bicycle or a flying toy or what?

The word quad is Latin for four, nothing else.

This would be a quadrotor flying toy.

When I was at junior school, the "quad" was where we had assembly.

It's also a WW2 era military Morris.