10 IR sensors with Arduino Mega

Hi everyone,
I am facing one problem during my project. I am making my friend's project " Parking system". In this project, I am using 10 IR sensor modules to detect whether any car is on that parking spot or not(please don't suggest that you can use only 2 sensors as a bi-directional counter, I have to make it because they already told their professor that, they will make it with 10 sensors.). I am using 12 IR sensors modules, RFID scanner, 16x2 LCD display, 2 Servo motors, an Arduino mega. Now I am connecting 5 IR sensor modules, LCD display, Arduino Mega, and RFID sensor with one 12V-2A DC power supply. And I connected remaining components with other 12V-2A DC power supply(7 IR sensor modules and 2 servo motors).
I individually configure IR sensor modules already with the potentiometer of modules, but whenever I am giving supply to all components, all IR sensors are giving HIGH output without an object. I already tried all of them together in one supply but in that condition also it's not working properly.

I am giving 5V VCC, GND with GND of supply and connecting the output terminal of IR module directly to the Arduino Mega pin as INPUT. Also, I am using 7805 to convert 12V dc to 5 V dc.

Since you didn't say what sensors you're using, who knows, but maybe the sensors are "active low".

I am facing one problem during my project. I am making my friend's project " Parking system". In this project, I am using .... they already told their professor that, they will make it with 10 sensors.

Humour me here, but does this mean you're actually doing a friend's work for him to hand in?

You need to know what happens to the sensors output when it switches - is it a relay, open collector or whatever ; then what you need to do with that output to make a signal that is either 5v or 0v . Look at data sheets etc.
This will be useful when you write it up.

I am using IR module which I attached below.
It is giving active low(0v) when it detects any object

So what's the question?

I’m not too sure those sensors will work , guess you need to try - their main use is in robots where the obstacle is close and indoors

I already calibrate all of them for a small distance. It's working properly if I am using 5 modules, if I am using 10 modules then it's not working properly.

it's not working properly.

What does that mean?

So what's the question?

You still haven't asked a question....