$10 Paypal to someone who can add a couple of lines for me

I have this working so when I upload the .ino to my UNO it sends a SMS to my cell phone. I want it to send a SMS each time a button it pressed like on Digital pin 2. I'm in my 60's and cant figure out how to do it and I need it soon. Thanks

Send SMS from Arduino over the Internet using ENC28J60 and Thingspeak
Change one line to use with ethernet shield
Add sensor readings in the loop and a time interval
Using Arduino UIP library from https://github.com/ntruchsess/arduino_uip

Code based on Sparkfun's data logging service data.sparkfun.com
URL encode function from http://hardwarefun.com/tutorials/url-encoding-in-arduino


#include <SPI.h>

//change the following line to #include <Ethernet.h> to use the eithent shield
#include <Ethernet.h> 

// Enter a MAC address for your controller below.
byte mac[] = { 0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF, 0xFE, 0xED };

//thingspeak server
char server[] = "api.thingspeak.com";

//if DHCP fails, use a static IP
IPAddress ip(192,168,0,177);

// Initialize the Ethernet client library
EthernetClient client;

//API key for the Thingspeak ThingHTTP already configured
const String apiKey = "YW9TOU470F0XXXXX";

//the number the message should be sent to
const String sendNumber = "151524XXXXX";

void setup()

//set up Ethernet:

//send the sms
Serial.println("Sending SMS");

//this function will send the sms
//the first argument is the number to send to, formatted like this +12345678901
//the second argument is the body of the text message, which must be within URLEncode()
sendSMS(sendNumber, URLEncode("Hello World!"));


void loop()


void sendSMS(String number,String message)
// Make a TCP connection to remote host
if (client.connect(server, 80))

  //should look like this...
  //api.thingspeak.com/apps/thinghttp/send_request?api_key={api key}&number={send to number}&message={text body}

  client.print("GET /apps/thinghttp/send_request?api_key=");
  client.println(" HTTP/1.1");
  client.print("Host: ");
  client.println("Connection: close");
  Serial.println(F("Connection failed"));

// Check for a response from the server, and route it
// out the serial port.
while (client.connected())
  if ( client.available() )
    char c = client.read();

void setupEthernet()
Serial.println("Setting up Ethernet...");
// start the Ethernet connection:
if (Ethernet.begin(mac) == 0) {
  Serial.println(F("Failed to configure Ethernet using DHCP"));
  // no point in carrying on, so do nothing forevermore:
  // try to congifure using IP address instead of DHCP:
  Ethernet.begin(mac, ip);
Serial.print("My IP address: ");
// give the Ethernet shield a second to initialize:

String URLEncode(const char* msg)
const char *hex = "0123456789abcdef";
String encodedMsg = "";

while (*msg!='\0'){
  if( ('a' <= *msg && *msg <= 'z')
    || ('A' <= *msg && *msg <= 'Z')
    || ('0' <= *msg && *msg <= '9') ) {
    encodedMsg += *msg;
  else {
    encodedMsg += '%';
    encodedMsg += hex[*msg >> 4];
    encodedMsg += hex[*msg & 15];
return encodedMsg;

Moderator edit:
</mark> <mark>[code]</mark> <mark>

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tags added.

ThingSpeakTwilio.ino (3.21 KB)

You can PM me if you like. Thanks

At start of code:
unsigned long lastPressed=0;
byte lastState;

in setup:

void loop() //in loop, we check the pin, and if it's low (pressed) when it wasn't before, and it hasn't been pressed in the past 100 milliseconds (due to the switch contacts bouncing)
if (digitalRead(D2)==LOW) {
if (lastState==HIGH) {
//we know the button was just pressed
if (lastPressed +100 < millis()) { //debounce
//sendSMS() - I don't know what message you want to send to whom, but this is where to to it

And you'd wire the button with one side on D2, other side to ground.

That was just written off the top of my head - no guarantees.

I'm in my 60's and cant figure out how to do it

What relevance has your age to the problem?

I, and many other contributors here, are also of a similar age. There are even people here who remember DEC PDP11 computers :slight_smile:


There are even people here who remember DEC PDP11 computers :slight_smile:

I can't abide that modern stuff, with their fancy operating systems - PDP8-/E

Thanks Robin2 ....Well I should of said I'm in my 60's and had a stroke recently and my brain isn't working good and I have never coded before. But your input had been noted.

All I am trying to do is send a sms to my phone if a button is pushed.

Load and run this. It needs a jumper in pin 2 that you ground safely on the USB connector box or a button between pin 2 and GND. You also need to set Serial Monitor to 115200 or change the code to 9600.

This code only prints a message to serial monitor but where it does that you can substitute sendSMS.

Keep your $10 for in case you need help debugging after wedging this into your code. I started with your setup() and loop(), not that I had to make 2 lines in setup() into comments that you will need to uncomment. The button code is from one of my old posted examples, it may live again! LOL!

I know a bit of how you feel. Got a head full of clots and trying to refill holes, half of what I learned since 1990 was lost. Fortunate for me I was coding long before 1990! Some of this I can still do in my sleep and yes, some recovery of abilities and self is possible, Ive been at it since 2001.

// button variables
const byte buttonPin = 2;
byte buttonRead;  // wired for pullup -- if down then LOW, if up then HIGH
byte lastButtonRead = HIGH; // so debounce knows previous read
byte checkDebounce = 0; // only checks decounce after every button pin change
byte lastButtonState = 0; // last stable button state
byte buttonState = 0;  // stable button state
// 0 = button is up after debounce
// 1 = button is down after debounce
// button debounce timing variables
const word debounceMs = 20; // debounced when reads for debounceMs ms are the same
word debounceMillisLowBytes = 0; // don't need 32 bits
word msNow = 0; // don't worry, unsigned rollover makes it work

void setup()

  pinMode( buttonPin, INPUT_PULLUP ); // my button connects to ground, not 5V
  // however that means that when the button is pressed the pin is LOW.

  //set up Ethernet:
  // setupEthernet();  This commented out to compile button code only!

  //send the sms
  Serial.println("Sending SMS");

  //this function will send the sms
  //the first argument is the number to send to, formatted like this +12345678901
  //the second argument is the body of the text message, which must be within URLEncode()
  //sendSMS(sendNumber, URLEncode("Hello World!"));   This commented out to compile button code only!


void loop()
  // BUTTON CODE BLOCK, it handles debouncing.
  // the task is to set the variable buttonState when a Stable Button State is reached.
  // other sensor code could change the same variable if desired

  // read the pin which may be changing fast and often as the jumper contacts the housing
  buttonRead = digitalRead( buttonPin ); // momentary state

  // msNow gets the low bytes of millis() to time the very short debounce time
  msNow = (word)( millis() & 0xFFFF ); // set once, used in 2 places

  if ( buttonRead != lastButtonRead )
    debounceMillisLowBytes = msNow;
    checkDebounce = 1;
  else if ( checkDebounce )
    if ( msNow - debounceMillisLowBytes >= debounceMs ) // stable button state achieved
      buttonState = !buttonRead; // mission accomplished, button is stable
      // note that buttonState is opposite buttonRead
      checkDebounce = 0; // stop debounce checking until pin change
  lastButtonRead = buttonRead;
  // End of the BUTTON CODE BLOCK

  if ( lastButtonState != buttonState )
    lastButtonState = buttonState;

    if ( buttonState )
      Serial.println("Sending SMS");

Thanks GoForSmoke. I am working on it now.

You can arrange different SMS messages for different buttons, get a keypad and send numbers if you want.

How much Arduino C have you absorbed? I gather not much yet and man I know it goes slow.

Do you know arrays and loops as well as if-else? Do you know switch-case?
All good basic tools that make coding easier.

How are you with bookmarks? You may want to make a sub-folder for just Arduino bookmarks.
When you deal with the IDE, keep a window open with a tab for each help page you need.

You can look from the IDE window over to instant online help. If you see a command in the code that you don't know, then you can look it up and even size the text to readable, I put my IDE text up to 16 pt, browser pages to 120%, way easier on the eyes.

Have browser tabs with the Arduino Reference, Libraries, and other site pages and wherever else you need to see the code, there's many how-to blogs out there you might refer to, so have it there on a tab.

The first place to look for basic C.

This is where to look up library functions. You'll find out

These are all in your IDE under File->Examples. The libraries have example code too.
You can learn a lot just reading the code and looking it up.

Every board linked on this page has useful details described including links to pin maps.

This is the Arduino Playground Libraries. Wait a while for this.

This is the libraries page of the C/C+ Arduino uses. You can use these, this is the reference.

You'll get more in time. In my signature space below are 3 keys to writing real time code on Arduino.